
Photo・Text Nicolas Wauters


Vol.4 Kiyosumi-Shirakawa  


This neighborhood of the Edo period is a place where I rarely go for a walk during my work days … This is a bit of a shame, even if it’s not well known for tourism, Kiyosumi and around offers beautiful places like its traditional Japanese garden and its replica museum of the Edo period … And a typical local atmoshper









また、この地域と町の東側にある小さな島は人工的に埋め立てられ開拓された場所であり、この一帯が海だった頃の情景を想像するのも面白いです。また、私の国のお隣にあるオランダも海だった場所が開拓された町がたくさんあります。日本とオランダが昔から交友があり良い付き合いが続いているのは、 こういった類似点が多くあったからでは?と、この場所を訪れて何となく理解できた気がします。

It is also always fun to say that these places and small islands on the east side of the city are completely artificial and that long ago it was the sea under its feet … I understand better now, the affinities of Japanese with the Dutch …













Tokyo is definitely a multi-faceted city with many beautiful places.