
Photo・Text Nicolas Wauters

Vol.10 Setagaya



Hello everyone, I hope you are well?

Tokyo was a part of my dreams of discovery during a huge part of my childhood …
Growing up in the 80s, at this time in Europe came the Japanese game consoles and the big Japanese animations in my country.
My interest in them sparked my curiosity for Japan, until my first trip in 2010.

日本を外から特にヨーロッパから見るとき、共有される画像は、多くの場合、高層ビルや人混み、ラッシュや交通渋滞、うるさいイメージで構成されいたにぎやかな巨大都市の画像です。確かに、日本では渋谷の交差点や新宿ビジネス街でもそのような雰囲気を何度も見ました。しかし、私は、ヨーロッパでシェアされている「東京」のイメージと違う面があると感じている…… 静かで、もっと素朴で平凡な東京。

When you look at Japan from the outside and especially from Europe, the images shared are often that of a bustling gigantic city, made up of thousands of skyscrapers and crowds on every street corner.
For sure, I have seen those kinds of ambiances many times in Japan, whether at the Shibuya crossroads or in the Shinjuku business district …
But there is, in my opinion, an “other Tokyo” than the one shared in Europe… A quieter, more rural, and flatter Tokyo…




The areas around the JR loop and especially in the west area, are much flatter and house many small houses or residences with a few floors.
I was therefore very surprised to discover in the heart of the largest city in the world, many small neighborhood parks, fields of tomatoes or lettuce … But also to see the residents in the morning doing gymnastics (radio taiso) and live together.
And when you combine all this with kindness, gentleness and Japanese security. This offers the comfort of life that one would not imagine.


While in Europe people are generally much more communicative and talkative, they are also much more individual and generally think more about themselves and their friends.
In the 7 years that I have lived in the heart of Setagaya, I have come to meet many acquaintances who say hello to me in the morning when I walk my dogs or just go to work.
Even if I suppose that my foreign side to combine with my two bulldogs arouses the curiosity of the Japanese.
I guess this is repeated in many neighborhoods and boroughs of Tokyo, and makes this city even more special to me.