

皆さん、こんにちは。 私はニコラス・ウォーターズ、 日本に住んでいるベルギー人の写真家です。子供の頃から、私は新しい技術やコンピュータ、写真、そして何よりも「東京」に常にあこがれていました。この熱い思いは、最新のテクノロジーにあふれた大都市「東京」に私を飛び込ませたのです。2010年以降、数回の来日の後、2013年にスーツケースに荷物を詰めて、夢をかなえるために日本の首都にやってきました。 そして、私は写真を通してこの街への情熱を皆さんに共有しようと心に決めました。
Hey everyone,My name is Nicolas Wauters and I’m a Belgian photographer living in Japan.Since my childhood, I have always been attracted by new technologies, computer science, photography and first of all by “Tokyo”. This passion brought me to discover Tokyo, a city that fascinates me, for its “new technologies” as much as for its “ultra-urban” side.After several successive trips starting in 2010, in 2013, I packed up my suitcase and flew to the Japanese Capital to accomplish my dream. Later on, I decided to share my passion for this city through my photos.






Tokyo is a very busy city and through my pictures, I try to immortalize a city, most of the time removed from the crowd of its inhabitants. I’m trying to change the vision of a very noisy and populous Tokyo by taking pictures of very well-known places with fewer people possible. Of course, the permanent crowed, is a big part of a city, especially in Tokyo that has no less than 14 million inhabitants. But trough my work, I wish to offer the quintessence of the capital and for this, I constantly seek these privileged moments of privacy that I have in Tokyo.




I love photos of cities, urban landscapes, architecture and night urban landscapes. Now then I live in Tokyo for serval years, my passion has? increased to Japan and not anymore as the capital only. I try to make a full tour of the country to capture the most beautiful landscapes in the country have to offer and discover more than Tokyo only.And this is probably the best think for me, as living in Japan is an everyday learning day, not only about photography but also about the Japanese culture who have so many to offer. I hope you will like my picture and my vision of Japan…